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After recording & analyzing each seal in a plant, we create normalization principles depending on the real circumstances. Our goal is to maximise the variety of seal types, sizes, and materials employed while also enhancing the plant's critical performance indicators. We provide guidance to demonstate necessary actions.

The Advantages to you:

  • Scientific and constant analysis as a solid foundation for developing appropriate measures.
  • Prime opportunity, such as uniformity with the objective of optimizing seal types, sizes, and materials, are highlighted.
  • Technical version as well as alternative advice.


Facility evaluation

An overview of your facility, actual situation recording, analysis of bad actors and critical applications, and more.

Concepts of standardization

Exactly matched in terms of design, component seals/cartridges, manufacturer, seal types, materials, and sizes, and optimized for efficacy.


identifying areas that could be improved and providing technical solutions advice.

Customized Solutions

Customized Solutions

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